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Honor Code

The University of Saint Katherine is committed to creating an academic community that values both individual and collaborative efforts that promote learning and discovery. Such a community expects honesty and integrity in the work of all its members.

Academic integrity and honesty are basic core values of the University of Saint Katherine. In carrying out its academic mission, the University of Saint Katherine depends on the honesty and integrity of its faculty, staff, and students, and for this reason every member of the University of Saint Katherine community is charged with upholding the Academic Honor Code. Actions that breach the Code erode the trust of those who look to universities for honest evaluations of academic work arrived at through honest processes.

Academic misconduct entails dishonesty or deception in fulfilling academic requirements and includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, or the furnishing of false information to the University or a University affiliate in matters related to academics. An affiliate of the University is any person, organization, or company who works in conjunction with the University of Saint Katherine for the purposes of assisting students in fulfilling their academic requirements. It is therefore this institution’s stated policy that no form of dishonesty among its faculty or students will be tolerated. Although all members of the University community have an obligation to report occurrences of dishonesty, each individual is principally responsible for his or her own conduct.

In adopting this Academic Honor Code, students of the University of Saint Katherine recognize that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental values of the University community. The quality of a University of Saint Katherine education is dependent upon the community acceptance and enforcement of the Academic Honor Code. Students who enroll at the University of Saint Katherine commit to holding themselves and their peers to the highest standard of academic integrity. An individual who becomes aware of a violation of the Academic Honor Code has an obligation to report this violation. The following pledge is to be understood as obligatory for all academic work submitted by students at the University of Saint Katherine:

I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in completing this work, nor have I presented someone else’s work as my own.