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Home 9 Faculty 9 Angela Carlson

Angela Carlson

Angela Carlson

Professor of Arts and Humanities

Angela Doll Carlson is a poet, fiction writer and essayist whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in Thin Air Magazine, Apeiron Review, The Cresset, Eastern Iowa Review, St. Katherine Review, Rock and Sling, Elephant Journal, “Good Letters,” Ruminate Magazine Blog and Art House America. Her memoir, “Nearly Orthodox: On Being a Modern Woman in an Ancient Tradition” was published in 2014 by Ancient Faith Publishing followed by, “Garden in the East” in 2016 and “The Wilderness Journal” in 2018. Angela is the Managing Editor of The St. Katherine Review, the literary journat of the University of Saint Katherine,  where she delights in discovering and empowering new writers and established writers.