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Foundational Coursework


All students, regardless of major, progress through a multi-course sequence known as the Integrated Interdisciplinary Core.  A student who successfully completes the Integrated Core sequence earns a Minor in Liberal Studies Some or all of the General Education curriculum is also required depending on transfer credits a student may have, so that students have the competencies and foundational knowledge to absorb a Christian liberal education at the University of Saint Katherine.  The Integrated Core and Gen Ed jointly equip students to become well-rounded individuals and contributors to communities to which they belong.


More about the Integrated Interdisciplinary Core

These courses ensure that every student is immersed in our distinctly Liberal Arts culture. The interdisciplinary nature of the IIC nurtures creative and synthetic thinking, introducing students to diverse methodologies and frameworks. Courses are comprised of literature, philosophy, theology, history, anthropology, art, economics, sociology, music and political science. Each sequence of the IIC invites students to reflect on epistemic questions and the student’s own spiritual and academic development at the university. The University of Saint Katherine is committed to classical learning and a model of education that attends to the rich intellectual and cultural heritage of Western civilization and the broad commonalities of human nature explored by that heritage and its unparalleled depth.  The IIC is our own revamped trivium, thoughtfully developed with the challenges of modern life in mind. the IIC encourages true, Aristotelian friendship across programs, disciplines, beyond graduation in whatever communities our students will find themselves in. Finally, the IIC exemplifies the central role of liberal arts at USK and its mission of Inquiry Seeking Wisdom. through a commitment to educating the whole person.

For an engaging discussion about interdisciplinary learning, contact Dn David-John Williams, Integrated Interdisciplinary Studies and Theology Program Director,


More about General Education

The General Education program supports the Integrated Core with a solid grounding in writing, mathematics, science, foreign language, theology, and economics. The exposure to diverse fields of study enables students to live as informed, historically conscious citizens of a democracy, to contribute to the society and common good, and to make intellectually honest, ethical decisions that reflect a knowledge of and respect for diverse people, ideas, and cultures. Such a breadth of General Education also cultivates skills critical to student success in academic, personal, civic, and professional endeavors both within and beyond the University.

For an enlightening discussion of the importance of a liberal arts and sciences education and the role of General Education at USK contact Dr. Evan Getz, Chair of Arts & Humanities and General Education,
